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Terms and Conditions

Preface Project, Inc. (“Preface”) uses and releases photographs, audio recordings, and/or video recordings taken or recorded at its events for educational, instructional, and/or promotional purposes as determined by Preface for use in broadcast and media formats now existing or created in the future. These photographs and recordings often include depictions of students and/or parents engaged in instruction, school functions, and school activities. 


As a participant in Preface programming, you recognize and acknowledge that any such photographs, audio recordings, and/or video recordings shall become the property of Preface and may be used or disclosed by Preface and/or its representatives to parties including, but not limited to, students, parents, community members, or media outlets. Preface will not be responsible for, and cannot control, photographs, audio recordings, and/or video recordings captured by individuals who are not employed by, affiliated with, or under contract with Preface. Opt-outs for the current academic year may be obtained on an as-needed basis by reaching out to your institution’s Preface liaison, or by emailing

Furthermore, accurate data collection and analysis is integral to the ongoing success of Preface’s educational and public-service oriented mission. In accordance with applicable state and federal regulations, Preface will have the right to generate individual, aggregate, and anonymized data, including, but not limited to, standardized testing data and responses generated from volunteer feedback forms, during or after the terms of the student’s participation in Preface activities. Such data will be used, for example, to measure the efficacy of the program and in fundraising materials. Preface reserves the right to make use of such collected data at its discretion.

To facilitate in-person interactions, Preface also reserves the right to contract with third-party operators and corporations (including, but not limited to, ride-share operators like Uber Technologies, Inc. and Lyft, Inc.) for the purpose of offering free or reduced-cost transportation options for student volunteers. 

As a participant in Preface programming, you recognize and acknowledge that there are certain risks of physical injury to vehicle passengers. In electing to participate in one of these free or reduced-cost transportation options offered by Preface, participants voluntarily agree to assume the full risk of any injuries, damages or loss, regardless of severity, that might be sustained as a result of receiving the aforementioned transportation services. Furthermore, participants hereby release, waive, discharge and covenant not to sue Preface, the Preface Board and its individual members, or any other individuals sanctioned and operating on Preface’s behalf that are not directly employed by an aforementioned contracted operator or corporation (collectively, the “Releasees”), from any and all liability, claims, demands, actions, and causes of action whatsoever arising out of or related to any loss, damage, or injury, including death, that may be sustained in the course of such transportation. 

Additionally, the novel coronavirus, COVID-19, has been declared a worldwide pandemic by the World Health Organization. COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is believed to spread mainly from person-to-person contact. As a result, federal, state, and local governments and federal and state health agencies recommend social distancing and have, in many locations, imposed developing restrictions on larger gatherings of people. 

Preface prioritizes the well-being of the communities we serve and continuously abides by local and national recommendations wherever possible. Additionally, Preface is proactively implementing preventative measures to further reduce the spread of COVID-19 including, but not limited to, transitioning to virtual learning where appropriate and requiring that any high school student wishing to participate in in-person Preface programming (“Ambassador”) first submit the below attestation that they have not, to their knowledge, been in contact with COVID-19 and have no symptoms. 

While Preface primarily operates in smaller-group settings well below the gathering thresholds that indicate excessive risk, Preface cannot guarantee that Ambassadors who participate in Preface programming will not become infected with COVID-19 in the ordinary course of activities.

Should any Ambassador elect to engage in in-person Preface programming, Ambassador acknowledges that Ambassador alone is fully and personally responsible for Ambassador’s own safety and actions while and during Ambassador’s participation as a Preface Ambassador. Said Ambassador also acknowledges that Ambassador may be at risk of contracting airborne illnesses such as, but not limited to, the novel coronavirus caused by SARS-CoV-2 (“COVID-19”). With full knowledge of the risks involved, Ambassador hereby releases, waives, and discharges Preface, its board, officers, independent contractors, affiliates, employees, representatives, successors, and assigns from any and all liabilities, claims, demands, actions, and causes of action whatsoever, directly or indirectly arising out of or related to any loss, damage, injury, or death, that may be sustained by Ambassador related to illnesses such as, but not limited to, COVID-19 while participating in any activity related to Ambassador’s role as a Preface Ambassador. 

Ambassador further agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Preface from and against any and all costs, expenses, damages, lawsuits, and/or liabilities or claims arising whether directly or indirectly from or related to any and all claims made by or against any of the released parties due to injury, loss, or death from or related to illnesses such as, but not limited to, COVID-19. 

Ambassador acknowledges the contagious nature of illnesses such as, but not limited to, COVID-19 and that the CDC and many other public health authorities recommend practicing social distancing and wearing masks (or equally appropriate personal protective equipment) whenever possible. Ambassador further acknowledges that Preface cannot guarantee that Ambassador will not become infected with illnesses such as, but not limited to, COVID-19, and that any exposure that the Ambassador may have to COVID-19 also impacts individuals Ambassador comes into contact with such as, but not limited to, members of Ambassador’s household. Ambassador understands that the risk of becoming exposed to and/or infected by the illnesses such as, but not limited to, COVID-19 may result from the actions, omissions, or negligence of Ambassador and others.

Per the guidelines of applicable partner schools and systems, all employees, students and visitors are expected to comply with the most up-to-date health guidance issued, with exceptions given for health reasons. Ambassadors electing to participate in any in-person programming are expected to wear a mask at all times in the course of any in-person activity related to Ambassador’s role as a Preface Ambassador, unless the Ambassador is covered by an applicable and valid health exception. 

As governed by applicable school system policies, medical documentation may be required, should the Ambassador wish to avail themselves of an exception. If necessary, Ambassador consents to any temperature checks, cooperation with contract tracing, or other COVID-19 screening measures deemed appropriate by either Preface or other educational authorities and will abide by all recommended measures by relevant health and governmental authorities in the course of any activity related to Ambassador’s role as a Preface Ambassador. 

Furthermore, upon acceptance of the aforementioned Terms and Conditions (and at every subsequent acceptance hereafter), Ambassador attests that:

1.    Ambassador, or any person in Ambassador’s household, is not experiencing any symptom of illness such as, but not limited to, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing; fever, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell.
2.    Ambassador, or any person in Ambassador’s household, has not traveled internationally within the last 14 days.
3.    Ambassador, or any person in Ambassador’s household, has not traveled to a highly impacted area within the United States of America, as defined by the latest notices from federal and state health departments, in the last 14 days.
4.    Ambassador, or any person in Ambassador’s household, has not been exposed to someone with a suspected and/or confirmed case of COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
5.    Ambassador, or any person in Ambassador’s household, has not been diagnosed with COVID-19 and is not currently regarded as contagious by state or local public health authorities.
6.    Ambassador, and all persons in Ambassador’s household, are following all CDC recommended guidelines as much as possible and limiting their exposure to illnesses such as, but not limited to, COVID-19.


Use of the Preface website and / or Portal, and any subsequent participation in Preface programming, indicates acceptance of the above Terms & Conditions.

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